The Corporation of the City of Thorold

CL 14-2024
Council Chamber / Video Conference
City of Thorold, City Hall
3540 Schmon Parkway, Thorold, ON

Meeting will be hybrid (in-person and virtual participation). 

Delegations and presentations can be made in-person in the Council Chamber, through video conferencing or by telephone participation. For details please contact 

Members of the public can view the meeting on the City's website and YouTube Channel at: Council - City of Thorold (

Cindy Dickson, Head Organizer, Thorold Terry Fox Run

William Heikoop, Planning Manager, Upper Canada Consultants

Correspondence from Canadian National Railway, dated August 30, 2024, regarding a proclamation request for Rail Safety Week 2024 – Sept 23-29, 2024. 

Amendments to the City's Appointment By-law

Parking Restrictions in Rolling Meadows Subdivision

Student Accommodation re fencing at McMillan 2

South Main St. Bridge - Project Update

Emergency Over-Run - Repairs at 2 Carleton



Notice of this motion is provided in accordance with the notice and submission deadline requirements of section 11.1 of the City of Thorold’s Procedural By-law. Councillor Sentance seeks to bring forward a motion respecting the Pest Control Subsidy.

Notice of this motion is provided in accordance with the notice and submission deadline requirements of section 11.1 of the City of Thorold’s Procedural By-law. Councillor Handley seeks to bring forward a motion respecting the installation of an all-way stop at Davis St. and Niagara Falls Rd.

Notice of this motion is provided in accordance with the notice and submission deadline requirements of section 11.1 of the City of Thorold’s Procedural By-law. Councillor Handley seeks to bring forward a motion respecting an amendment to the City of Thorold’s Complaint Protocol Regarding Section 11 (4) Investigation Report.

Motion to be considered after Closed Session

Confidential Information respecting RFP for City-owned land


A Matter Respecting a Proposed or Pending Acquisition or Disposition of Land by the Municipality or Local Board under section 239(2)(c) of the Municipal Act, 2001, and a Matter Respecting Advice that is Subject to Solicitor-Client Privilege, Including Communications Necessary for that Purpose, under Section 239(2)(f) of the Municipal Act, 2001 - RFP for City-owned land located north-east of the intersection of St. David Street East and Wellington Street North

Confidential information respecting Code of Conduct’s Complaint Protocol


A Matter Respecting Advice that is Subject to Solicitor-Client Privilege, Including Communications Necessary for that Purpose, under Section 239(f) of the Municipal Act, 2001 - Code of Conduct’s Complaint Protocol 

Confidential Verbal Update respecting Keefer Mansion


A Matter Respecting a Position, Plan, Procedure, Criteria or Instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on by the Municipality under Section 239(2)(k) of the Municipal Act, 2001 - Keefer Mansion Property

Confidential Appendix to CLK-C 12-2024


A Matter Respecting Personal Matters About an Identifiable Individual, Including Municipal or Local Board Employees under Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001 - Applications to Fill the Vacant Positions on Committees of Council

Confidential Information respecting 40 River Street


A Matter Respecting a Position, Plan, Procedure, Criteria or Instruction to be Applied to any Negotiations Carried on by the Municipality, further to section 239(k) of the Municipal Act, 2001 - 40 River Street

A by-law to amend zoning by-law No. 2140(97), as amended, by rezoning the lands municipally known as 75 Ormond Street South, City of Thorold

A by-law to amend zoning by-law No. 60-2019, as amended, by rezoning the lands municipally known as 75 Ormond Street South, City of Thorold

A by-law to adopt amendment No. 22 to the official plan adopted by by-law No. 60-2015, approved by Niagara Region on April 28, 2016, for the City of Thorold planning area (75 Ormond Street South)

A by-law to amend comprehensive zoning by-law no. 60 (2019), as amended, for the lands municipally known as 46 & 48 St. David Street West

A By-law to Amend By-law 150-2012 being the City's Parking and Traffic By-law to Implement Parking Changes - Rolling Meadows Subdivision

A By-law to Amend By-law No. 31-2023, being a By-law to Establish Certain Offices for the Purposes of the Corporation of the City of Thorold and to Appoint Persons to Hold Such Offices

A By-law to Amend By-law 150-2012 being the City's Parking and Traffic By-law to Implement Changes to Include an All-Way Stop at Intersection of St. David's St. and Ormond Street N.

A By-law to Adopt, Ratify and Confirm the Actions of City Council at its Meeting held on September 10, 2024

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