The Corporation of the City of ThoroldCOUNCIL AGENDATuesday, January 14, 2025 6:30 P.m. - 10:00 P.m.Council Chamber / Video ConferenceCity of Thorold, City Hall3540 Schmon Parkway, Thorold, ONMeeting will be hybrid (in-person and virtual participation). Delegations and presentations can be made in-person in the Council Chamber, through video conferencing or by telephone participation. For details please contact Members of the public can view the meeting on the City's website and YouTube Channel at: Council - City of Thorold ( to Order 2.Land Acknowledgement 3.Declarations of Interest 4.Adoption of the Agenda 5.Adoption of the Minutes 5.1CL 21-2024 1.CL 21-2024 Minutes December 10, 2024.pdfDecember 10, 20246.Mayor's Report 7.Regional Councillor Update 8.Civic Recognition 9.Presentations 9.1Fire Master Plan Rick Monkman, ConsultantEmergency Management Group Inc.10.Delegations 11.Items for Consent 11.1CL-C 1-2025 1.CL-C 1-2025 - PTRC Resolution Regarding QR Codes on Park Signs.pdfPTRC Resolution Regarding QR Codes on Park Signs11.2CLK-C 1-2025 1.CLK-C 1-2025 - Request for a Municipally Significant Event Designation for the 7th Annual Jeff Yungblut Hockey Tournament.pdf2.CWCD 2-2025 - Letter City of Thorold - request for Municipally Significant Designation.pdfRequest for a Municipally Significant Event Designation for the 7th Annual Jeff Yungblut Hockey Tournament11.3DF 1-2025 1.DF 1-2025 - Interim Tax Levy.pdfInterim Tax Levy11.4DS-C 1-2025 1.DS-C 1-2025 - Amendment to By-Law 92-2024 Lots 86-88 Mary Street.pdf2.DS 46-2024 - Mary Street Lot 86-88 PLC Report to Council.pdfAmendment to By-Law 92-2024 regarding removal of Part Lot Control from Block 08050, Lots 86-88 Mary Street12.Items for Consideration 12.1CL-C 2-2025 1.CL-C 2-2025 - Request from the Thorold BIA to Appoint a Nominee to Fill the Vacant At-Large Position.pdfRequest from the Thorold BIA to Appoint a Nominee to Fill the Vacant At-Large Position12.2CLK 1-2025 1.CLK 1-2025 - 2026 Municipal and School Board Election Voting Methods.pdf2.CC2021-64 2022 Municipal and School Board Elections - Update.pdf2026 Municipal and School Board Election Voting Methods12.3DS 1-2025 1.DS 1-2025 - Planning Services Consultant and Delegated Authority.pdf2.Appendix 1 - Recommended Amendments to Policy 100-28 Delegation of Powers and Duties of Council.pdfPlanning Services Consultant and Delegated Authority12.4FES 1-2025 1.FES 1-2025 - Community Risk Assessment and Fire Master Plan.pdf2.Fire Master Plan Final - THOROLD FIRE and EMERGENCY SERVICES.pdfCommunity Risk Assessment and Fire Master Plan12.5PWCS 1-2025 1.PWCS 1-2025 - Canada Day Event Update.pdf2.FINAL Appendix 1 Canada Day 2024.pdf3.FINAL Appendix 2 CanadaDay2024-Details.pdf4.FINAL Appendix 3 Canada Day 2025.pdfCanada Day Event Update12.6PWCS 6-2025 1.PWCS 6-2025 - Traffic Study on the intersection of Pine Street South and Sullivan Avenue.pdfTraffic Study on the Intersection of Pine Street South and Sullivan Avenue13.Notices of Motion 14.Motions 15.Statement by Councillors 16.Closed Session 16.1Closed Session Minutes Public Comments: 16.1.1CL 21-2024 Public Comments: December 10, 202416.2Confidential Appendix to CL-C 2-2025 Public Comments: A Matter Respecting Personal Matters About an Identifiable Individual, Including Municipal or Local Board Employees under Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001 - Application to Fill the Vacant At-Large Seat on the Thorold BIA16.3Community Risk Assessment Public Comments: A Matter Respecting Educational or Training Sessions, wherein no Council business or decision making shall be materially advanced, under section 239(3.1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 - Community Risk Assessment17.Business Arising from Closed Session 18.By-Law(s) 18.1Bill 1-2025 1.Bill 1-2025 - A By-Law to Authorize the Use Vote Tabulators, Alternative Voting 2026 Municipal and School Board Election.pdfA By-Law to Authorize the Use of Vote Tabulators and Alternative Voting Methods (Internet Voting) for the 2026 Municipal and School Board Election18.2Bill 2-2025 1.Bill 2-2025 - A By-Law to Exempt Lots 86,87, and 88, Plan 656 From Part Lot Control (144,146,148, and 150 Mary Street).pdfA By-Law to Exempt Lots 86, 87, and 88, Plan 656 From Part Lot Control (144,146,148, and 150 Mary Street) – Industrial Subdivision: A Subdivision of Part Lot 47 and a Part of Original Road Allowance Between Lots 46 and 4718.3Bill 3-2025 1.Bill 3-2025 - Interim Tax Levy.pdfA By-law to Levy Interim Taxes Before Adoption of the Estimates for 202518.4Bill 4-2025 1.Bill 4-2025 - A By-law to Adopt, Ratify and Confirm the Actions of City Council at its Meeting held on January 14, 2025.pdfA By-law to Adopt, Ratify and Confirm the Actions of City Council at its Meeting held on January 14, 202519.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.CL 21-2024 Minutes December 10, 2024.pdf1.Bill 1-2025 - A By-Law to Authorize the Use Vote Tabulators, Alternative Voting 2026 Municipal and School Board Election.pdf1.Bill 3-2025 - Interim Tax Levy.pdf1.Bill 4-2025 - A By-law to Adopt, Ratify and Confirm the Actions of City Council at its Meeting held on January 14, 2025.pdf1.CL-C 1-2025 - PTRC Resolution Regarding QR Codes on Park Signs.pdf1.CL-C 2-2025 - Request from the Thorold BIA to Appoint a Nominee to Fill the Vacant At-Large Position.pdf1.CLK 1-2025 - 2026 Municipal and School Board Election Voting Methods.pdf2.CC2021-64 2022 Municipal and School Board Elections - Update.pdf1.CLK-C 1-2025 - Request for a Municipally Significant Event Designation for the 7th Annual Jeff Yungblut Hockey Tournament.pdf2.CWCD 2-2025 - Letter City of Thorold - request for Municipally Significant Designation.pdf1.DF 1-2025 - Interim Tax Levy.pdf1.DS 1-2025 - Planning Services Consultant and Delegated Authority.pdf2.Appendix 1 - Recommended Amendments to Policy 100-28 Delegation of Powers and Duties of Council.pdf1.PWCS 6-2025 - Traffic Study on the intersection of Pine Street South and Sullivan Avenue.pdf1.Bill 2-2025 - A By-Law to Exempt Lots 86,87, and 88, Plan 656 From Part Lot Control (144,146,148, and 150 Mary Street).pdf1.DS-C 1-2025 - Amendment to By-Law 92-2024 Lots 86-88 Mary Street.pdf2.DS 46-2024 - Mary Street Lot 86-88 PLC Report to Council.pdf1.PWCS 1-2025 - Canada Day Event Update.pdf2.FINAL Appendix 1 Canada Day 2024.pdf3.FINAL Appendix 2 CanadaDay2024-Details.pdf4.FINAL Appendix 3 Canada Day 2025.pdf1.FES 1-2025 - Community Risk Assessment and Fire Master Plan.pdf2.Fire Master Plan Final - THOROLD FIRE and EMERGENCY SERVICES.pdf